Residence permit: problems and solutions

If you are an enrolled student with a residence permit for study purposes and you live in Bologna, join this event to learn more about the application/renewal requirements and what to do in case of delays or errors.

  • Date: 15 MAY 2024  from 12:30 to 13:30

  • Event location: Microsoft Teams - Online event

  • Type: Info session for enrolled students

Need a reminder?

What to expect

During this live event we will discuss everything you need to know to correctly renew your residence permit and avoid mistakes or delays. 

We will talk about renewal requirements and timings, as well as how to solve possible problems.

How to participate

The event will be in presence and online on Microsoft Teams. 

Once you register, you will be able to choose in which way you prefer to attend the event (online or in presence).


A link to join the event will also appear on this page 5 minutes before the start of the event.

If you attend online, you will be able to ask questions using the Q&A tool on Microsoft Teams.

The event will be in English.


International Desk

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