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06 DECEMBER 2023

Open day

BIOLOGY, GEOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES AREA | Presentation of the International Master's degree programmes

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover online our English-taught Master's degrees in Geology, Global Change Ecology and Environmental Sciences.

06 DECEMBER 2023

Open day

PSYCHOLOGY AREA | Presentation of the International Master's degree programmes

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover online our English-taught Master's degrees in psychology of well-being, occupational health and Work, organizational and personnel psychology.

05 DECEMBER 2023

Open day

Presentation of the English-taught Bachelor's degree in Building Construction Engineering

Microsoft Teams - Online event

After a short introduction of the Department, the Bachelor's degree in Building construction engineering will be presented, from 3:10 to 3:30 PM. This will be be the only course presentation in English. After that, there will be other presentations for programmes held in Italian.

05 DECEMBER 2023

Open day

PHYSICS, ASTROPHYSICS AND MATHS AREA | Presentation of the International Master's degree programmes

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover online our English-taught Master's degrees in physics, astrophysics and cosmology, advanced mathematics and science of climate.

05 DECEMBER 2023

Open day

POLITICAL SCIENCES AREA | Presentation of the International Master's degree programmes

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover online our English-taught Master's degrees in political sciences, international relations and East European studies.

01 DECEMBER 2023

Open day

PHARMACY, BIOTECHNOLOGY AND WELLNESS AREA | Presentation of the International degree programmes

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover online our English-taught degree programmes in genomics, pharmacy, biotechnology, bionformatics, molecular biology and wellness.

01 DECEMBER 2023

Open day

MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AREA | Presentation of the International Master's degree programmes

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover online our English-taught Master's degrees in Management and business administration applied to arts, food and services.

30 NOVEMBER 2023

Open day

AGRICULTURE, FOOD SCIENCES AND VETERINARY AREA | Presentation of the International Master's degree programmes

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover online our English-taught Master's degrees in Agriculture, Horticultural Science, Food Sciences and Veterinary.

30 NOVEMBER 2023

Open day

ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE AREA | Presentation of the International Master's degree programmes

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover online our English-taught Master's degrees in Architecture, Civil, Chemical, Offshore, Environmental and Materials engineering.

29 NOVEMBER 2023

Open day

LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES, INTERPRETING AND TRANSLATION AREA | Presentation of the International Master's degree programmes

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover online our English-taught Master's degrees in Specialized translation, Language, society and communication and Women's and Gender studies.

29 NOVEMBER 2023

Open day

LEGAL STUDIES | Presentation of the International Master's degree programme

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover online our English-taught Master's degree in Legal studies.

29 NOVEMBER 2023

Open day

ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE AREA | Presentation of the International Master's degree programmes

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover online our English-taught Master's degrees in Biomedical, Electronic, Electrical, Information and Computer Science Engineering.