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28 NOVEMBER 2023

Open day

HUMANITIES AREA | Presentation of the International Master's degree programmes

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover online our international Master's degrees in visual arts, Italian studies and European literary cultures, fashion studies, history and archaeology, digital humanities.

28 NOVEMBER 2023

Open day

STATISTICS AREA | Presentation of the International Master's degree programmes

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover online our English-taught Master's degrees in statistics and its application to finance, data analysis and the green energy market.

28 NOVEMBER 2023

Open day

MOTOR VEHICLE, AEROSPACE AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AREA | Presentation of the International Master's degree programmes

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover online our English-taught Master's degrees in motor vehicle, aerospace and mechanical engineering.

22 NOVEMBER 2023

Open day

Presentation of the English-taught curriculum in Stats&Maths: Bachelor's degree in Statistical Sciences

Microsoft Teams - Online event

After an overview of the admission methods and the TOLC test, the curriculum Stats&Maths will be presented, from 3PM to 3:30PM. This will be be the only course presentation in English. After that, there will be other presentations for programmes held in Italian.

20 NOVEMBER 2023

Open day

Presentation of the Department of Economics' Bachelor's degrees

Microsoft Teams - Online event

The programmes EMI and CLET will be presented in Italian. The programmes Economics, politics and social sciences and Economics and finance are taught in English and will be presented in English.

15 NOVEMBER 2023

Open day

Presentation of the English-taught Bachelor's degree in Building Construction Engineering

Microsoft Teams - Online event

The Bachelor's degree in Building construction engineering will be presented in English from 4PM to 5PM Italian Time, within the framework of the Ravenna Campus Open day. This will be be the only course presentation in English of the day.

26 OCTOBER 2023

Open day

Management and Business Administration Area | Presentation of the Bachelor’s degree programmes in English - Department of Management

Piazza Scaravilli 1, Bologna - Aula 11 | Piazzale della Vittoria 15, Forlì - Aula Mattarelli - In presence and online event

The event, both online and in-person, is dedicated to the presentation of the Bachelor's degrees in English offered by the Department of Management. Students can participate in Bologna, in Forlì or online on Microsoft Teams.

10 OCTOBER 2023

Open day

Jornada de Puertas Abiertas virtual

De 4:00 a 6:00 PM hora Italiana en Microsoft Teams - Online event

¿Eres un estudiante latino-americano y te interesa estudiar en Europa? La Università di Bologna organiza un evento virtual en Español para que futuros estudiantes internacionales puedan obtener una visión general de nuestro multicampus, de las carreras ofertadas y de los servicios.

27 JULY 2023

Open day

Open day of the Bachelor's degree curriculum in Financial and Business Management

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Take the chance to meet the Programme Director and the tutors of the Bachelor's degree curriculum in Financial and Business Management (FINMA) and find out more about the programme.

20 JUNE 2023

Open day

Open day of the Master's degree in Science for the Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage - S.Co.Re

Online + aula A Palazzo Santacroce, via Guaccimanni 42, Ravenna - In presence and online event

Take the chance to meet S.Co.Re students, staff and professors, ask for details about the contents, services and opportunities offered by the degree programme and join the virtual tour of its premises and laboratories!

16 JUNE 2023

Open day

Open Day of the Master's degree in Environmental Engineering - curriculum Earth Resources Engineering

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover the curriculum Earth Resources Engineering of the Environmental Engineering Master programme

06 JUNE 2023

Open day

Open Day of the international Master's degree in Legal Studies - LEGS

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Take the chance to meet LEGS Programme Director, Programme Coordinator, and Tutors, ask for details about the course structure eligibility criteria, admission and selection procedures, services, and facilities.