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Concluded events

21 JUNE 2024

Open day

Presentation of the international Master's programmes of the Department of Economics - Campus of Rimini

Via Quintino Sella 13, Rimini

Discover the English-taught Master's programmes in "Resource Economics and Sustainable Development" and "Tourism Economics and Management", and get the chance to meet lecturers and senior students.

31 MAY 2024

Open day

Presentation of the Master's degree in Science for the Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage - S.Co.Re

Room B Palazzo Santacroce, via Guaccimanni 42, Ravenna and online on Microsoft Teams - In presence and online event

Take the chance to meet S.Co.Re students, staff and professors, ask for details about the contents, services and opportunities offered by the degree programme and join the virtual tour of its premises and laboratories! You can attend the event in person in Ravenna or online on Microsoft Teams.

28 MAY 2024

Open day

Presentation of the Master's degree Environmental Engineering - curriculum Earth Resources Engineering

Online on Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover the curriculum Earth Resources Engineering of the Environmental Engineering Master programme. The event will be an opportunity to learn more about the programme, faculty and the degree's coordinator will be available to answer questions and provide further information.

24 MAY 2024

Open day

Presentation of the English-taught Master's degree programmes in the fields of Management and Business Administration - Forlì Campus

Piazzale della Vittoria 15, Forlì - Room 3 - In presence and online event

The event, both online and in-person, is dedicated to the presentation of the Master's degrees in English in the field of Management and Business Administration, at the Forlì Campus. Students can participate in person in Forlì or online on Microsoft Teams.

24 MAY 2024

Open day

Presentation of the Master's degree in Science of Climate

Room VI viale Berti Pichat 6-6/2 (entrance Via Ranzani, 1) online Microsoft Teams - In presence and online event

The event will be an opportunity to learn more about the Master's Degree and the Course units. Our faculty and the Degree's coordinator will be available to answer any questions and provide further information. You'll also have the chance to hear form actual students sharing their experiences.

22 MAY 2024

Open day

Presentation of the Master's degree in Civil Engineering

Online on Microsoft Teams - Online event

Discover the Master's degree in Civil Enginering. The event will be an opportunity to learn more about the programme, faculty and the degree's coordinator will be available to answer questions and provide further information.

10 MAY 2024

Open day

Presentation of the Master's degree in Psychology of Wellbeing and Social Inclusivity

Department of Psychology, Room 2 Viale Berti Pichat 5, Bologna (II floor) - In presence and online event

Director of the Course Prof Monica Rubini, Programme Coordinator Dr Alice Vitali, Professors Chiara Suttora and Michela Candini, ex-students will provide information and experiences concerning the Master' degree.

02 MAY 2024

Open day

Presentation of the Bachelor's degree in Economics of Tourism and Cities

Room Alberti 3 - Via Quintino Sella 13, Rimini

In English and Italian - During the day, you will have the opportunity to find out more about the specific features of this course; speak to members of academic and support staff, hear from our current students on their university experiences, view the facilities at our Campus of Rimini.

02 MAY 2024

Open day

Presentation of the Master's degree in Language, Society and Communication

Microsoft Teams - Online event

Welcome to Language, Society and Communication! Discover the Englsh-taught programme, why enrolling and how to get in.

19 APRIL 2024

Open day

Presentation of the Master's degree in Science of Climate

Room V viale Berti Pichat 6-6/2 (entrance Via Ranzani, 1) online Microsoft Teams - In presence and online event

The event will be an opportunity to learn more about the Master's Degree and the Course units. Our faculty and the Degree's coordinator will be available to answer any questions and provide further information. You'll also have the chance to hear form actual students sharing their experiences.

17 APRIL 2024

Open day

Presentation of the Master's degree in Architectural Engineering

Microsoft Teams - Online event

The online event is dedicated to the presentation of the Master's degree in Building Engineering-Architecture: curriculum Architectural Engineering, offered by the University of Bologna's Department of Architecture.

16 APRIL 2024

Open day

Presentation of the Master's degrees in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering for Sustainability

via Montaspro, 97, 47121, Forlì and online on Microsoft Teams - In presence and online event

The event, both in-person and online, is dedicated to the presentation of the Master's degrees offered by the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Bologna in the Forlì Campus.